Wednesday, April 23, 2014


my freezer decided to misbehave and completely ice over..this led to
1.clean out freezer
2. Hey look we have more cheese in here
3. Omg is that pepperoni? my hand is numb from the cold
5. Stupid dog just threw up
6. I need a nap
7. I want a cookie

9.yep I made calzones for dinner..and sometimes it goes just like that...heart healthy and frugal...anyone want the recipe?

Monday, April 21, 2014


I guess I generally don't think about it but when I am not goes on...people do things..I know this happens because no one is in the spot where I left them when I get home, food has been eaten, laundry has been left unattended, children are dirty from a hard day playing..but I still sometimes find it hard to believe..myopic thinking YES OF COURSE it is!! why do I bring this up? well.....
I worked the day shift ...blech and gag!  I started work at 7am, I sold my first alcholoic beverage at 9am and my first cigarello (aka blunt..double blech) by nice city is a den of alcoholic pot heads!!!ARGH!

anywho got home after 3pm and saw this

only the cutest fairy house ever!! and done frugally with found objects, including bamboo that we "find" up the road...whoo hoo !! YAY!
which spurned the creation of this toad/hobbit house...another frugal creation...we are budget gardeners and frugal crafters...have any tips for us?

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Nerdpression ..sigh

so yes it has been awhile since I posted...a long while...DON'T JUDGE ME!  I have been suffering new job I started was a fail..not because of me but the owner of the company turned out to be an idiot and had to get rid of pretty much all his staff and the ones who did not get fired eventually was out of work now I work part time at a convenient store until something better comes along...which it hasn't .....sigh....

   Oh my Michele what have the other nerds in the house been doing ?
I am so glad you asked that because it is garden season and our Nerd King and Commander in Chief has been busy with his Nerdoge (like protege but I don't know how to do the things that accent on my keyboard) making a super beautiful garden!  

first to the nerd stuff

the sign is out in the front garden area...we have had people stop and become our new besties just from this sign alone...apparently in Palm Coast we are rare to find...
 I was going to post pics of the veggie gardens and what not but I will leave that to the oldest and her up and coming blog which I will of course talk about here until everyone tires of me and decides to look at it for themselves....shameless promotion will occur.

Thursday, January 2, 2014


I sometimes take breaks from being a full on nerd to my part time culinary nerd self.  Of course I wear a Star Wars apron while I am doing it so I don't step to far away from full nerd.  We watch Alton, Bizarre Foods, we watch Restaurant Impossible, and we watch Gordon...I love Gordon !  there I said it.  My mind stumbled across yorkshire pudding the other day, it just popped in there.  I don't know what we were doing or talking about but there it was...yorkshire pudding.  The big guy tells me that it is one of the most difficult things to make right and that Gordon frequently turns chefs into whining piles of goo when they make it poorly.  Well, my mind set is that if Gordon Ramsay can do it then why can't I? right? I mean he is only a world renowned chef with hit tv series and I ...well I can make waffles from scratch so we are almost equal.  I set to my task, I studied the greats, I looked up dozens of versions of the recipes (Rocky theme song in the background please it will help with the mood of my story), I trained for days whisking and letting things rest.  Okay, truth is I watched one you tube video and looked up one recipe and ...
see for yourself they were perfect!!! IN YOUR FACE GORDON!!!

Friday, December 6, 2013


I can't be stopped at this point, an all out zombie apocalypse would only slow me down, I have the need to make ornaments  Every year I go through this like an addiction. I find something that looks cool and make them until someone in the house says "enough crazy lady".  They haven't said it yet so I currently can't be stopped.

there are still more minions coming and another Boba Fett cause I think he just turned out super cool, and an Iron Man (why not right?)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


  how goes the job search you ask? not good..not good at all...I was in a remarkable specialized field especially for this area , which I love and don't want to move from..I found myself applying to McDonald's last week just so I feel some control over the situation, I found myself willing to take a huge pay difference just to see a paycheck coming in.  The practical person in me said "take whatever and keep looking" and I am a practical, need to support the family kind of gal. The big guy is a "sign from God, change of life, do what makes you happy" kind of guy, I love that about him, which got me thinking of what I would like to do ?
   Oddly enough, growing up I only ever wanted to be a lawyer, that didn't happen.  I switched it up to paralegal...that didn't happen..babies happened and art happened.  Life happened and went by fast, but I digress, I would love to be a social worker.  why you ask? I have watched what happens to children when the social workers that should have helped just didn't, for whatever reason, the child gets left where they shouldn't be and it is a fight to the death to get them help..I know first hand how this works and I want to help that out.  I also thought, court reporter/stenographer cause that just seems cool and would satisfy my nosey tendencies.
   So today is the day the decision will be made, I will talk it through with the appropriate people (the big guy) and make a decision ...ugh!

Monday, December 2, 2013


Thanksgiving came and went, time to put up the trees..TREES? plural? are you mad woman?!
As I clearly state this is a nerd house, however some of the children are not practicing tree for them where the grand parents come and gifts are placed for a present opening of epic proportions..the other tree displayed in the front room for the whole world to see is the Star Wars tree.  (when it is at its full glory this year pics will be posted) The Star Wars tree had been a dream of mine for years, how I longed for a total nerd tree..but to my great sadness it was always out of reach but no longer ! not as of last year when we lucked in to a second tree and discovered that me and the big guy shared the same nerd to crafting I went since Star Wars ornaments are like insane expensive.  I spent last xmas season making red x-wing orgami ornaments, miniature box ornaments...felt ornaments, you name it I was doing it to fill a tree that apparently used to be a tardis. (threw in a Dr. Who reference what ?what?)
   okay so this year as we were digging through boxes I found the bin of Christmas crafts yet to be completed that I thought got lost in the move , well rejoice cause I found the C3P0 and R2D2 ornaments I had started and then lost focus and never finished until....that's right now...

I finished the C3PO's first, not super thrilled with them but you can totally tell who they are so can't really complain, the others are in mid-production in this picture will have to wait for pics of the tree to see them in full completion cause I just had to get them on the tree as soon as they were done and could not possibly wait the 3 additional seconds to take a picture.

Around here it is beginning to look a lot like Starwarsmas and I LOVE IT!