Monday, November 11, 2013

Star Wars Docs of AWESOMENESS!!

Not sure if it is obvious yet (though it really will just be in your face at some point) we are Star Wars people.  We live it and breathe it, so when the Big Guy asked me to do something with his docs all Star Wars like I said "challenge accepted!"

technically he can wear know to super special events like weddings, graduations, and conventions...until he gets to do that they will stay on the shelf for all to admire  :)

Sunday, November 10, 2013


As I have explained in a previous post this household is on a budget, which means when I get a project in mind I don't have the luxury of making a shopping list and heading to Michael's or JoAnn's Fabrics..I enter the world of the garage.  My garage is where things get stacked, stashed, crammed and jammed and to be completely honest it isn't happening only in my garage, I will put things in drawers, trunks, bins, cabinets, and whatever else I can find if I think it will be of use some day.  About 4 years ago Christmas was looking fairly grim, I just had to find that perfect something for my oldest..sounds easy enough right?  NOOOOOOO!!!  My oldest has always been my anti-child, if I like it she doesn't, if I think I created something super cool she hates it, it took her 17 years to finally start seeing her inner nerd and I am thankful it finally happened. Back to my little tale of woe, one day out of the blue she announced that she would like a Mario blanket for her room *WHAT?*
can I do that?
can I make a blanket?
my sewing skills are okay but that seems like a big I scoured the internet and found a picture and the attempted to follow using whatever material I had at the house and made this

my first quilt, will I do it again? I did one more ... here it is under construction , you can see I was scrounging for red material..

well there you have it a couple of blast from the past projects !
and yes it is a mandalorian skull from Star Wars, I also made pillow shams
however my lack of measuring created a quilt that will fit no bed ever, but it will tent a house if needed.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

SERIAL QUILLER...*insert screams here*

That's right I am a full blown Serial Quiller..I did not misspell it I sware.  I love to quill, I love taking paper and making something epic from is something I learned to do as a matter of finances.  Paper crafts are relatively inexpensive, not scrapbooking that can be just horrible on a budget but quilling can use up scraps and old cards and cool pages from magazines, really anything paper you want, so as a matter of financial need I learned to quill.  I am a crafter and I gots to craft on the cheap.

For Christmas I make trees, I have made a lot, this year will be no different except the fact that I will go full nerd on them. with that being said, the first one made this year is not full nerd but still not your normal Christmas tree


I present my Monster's Inc inspired Christmas tree!
The tree is made of at least a kagillion strips of paper all rolled and then shaped into a tear drop and glued.
The tree is decorated with eyes (cause duh! monsters have eyes)
I also use beads and whatnots to decorate the trees, the presents are a mix of mini's that I come across and mini paper models that I assemble.  These trees are also made to light up ( I did not add lights to this one)
I have already begun construction on an Avenger's inspired coming of course.

Friday, November 8, 2013

It is Nov 8th Nerds! UNITE!  time to see Thor..okay to make sure I was ready I watched the first one again last night, I also attempted to watch The Avengers for the second time but I have yet to not fall asleep during that movie..actually I fall asleep during most movies, why? why? why?  my theory is that as a parent once I get to sit down my body gets all excited about the break and passes out from the pure joy of it..that is the theory I am sticking with.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Good Morning/Afternoon
so where to begin?  On Friday after 6 years with a company, I was called in and told my job was being eliminated..first question  "what is my new job?" apparently it is called unemployment. Well I took it very well once one gets past the break down and the horrible sobbing..okay so I am unemployed what? Starting putting in applications this morning, Over the weekend I started working on some Christmas crafts...NERD STYLE!! wait..
oh pics are coming for sure
the only teaser I am giving is Serial Quiller...
yeah that's right...stay tuned