Wednesday, April 23, 2014


my freezer decided to misbehave and completely ice over..this led to
1.clean out freezer
2. Hey look we have more cheese in here
3. Omg is that pepperoni? my hand is numb from the cold
5. Stupid dog just threw up
6. I need a nap
7. I want a cookie

9.yep I made calzones for dinner..and sometimes it goes just like that...heart healthy and frugal...anyone want the recipe?

Monday, April 21, 2014


I guess I generally don't think about it but when I am not goes on...people do things..I know this happens because no one is in the spot where I left them when I get home, food has been eaten, laundry has been left unattended, children are dirty from a hard day playing..but I still sometimes find it hard to believe..myopic thinking YES OF COURSE it is!! why do I bring this up? well.....
I worked the day shift ...blech and gag!  I started work at 7am, I sold my first alcholoic beverage at 9am and my first cigarello (aka blunt..double blech) by nice city is a den of alcoholic pot heads!!!ARGH!

anywho got home after 3pm and saw this

only the cutest fairy house ever!! and done frugally with found objects, including bamboo that we "find" up the road...whoo hoo !! YAY!
which spurned the creation of this toad/hobbit house...another frugal creation...we are budget gardeners and frugal crafters...have any tips for us?

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Nerdpression ..sigh

so yes it has been awhile since I posted...a long while...DON'T JUDGE ME!  I have been suffering new job I started was a fail..not because of me but the owner of the company turned out to be an idiot and had to get rid of pretty much all his staff and the ones who did not get fired eventually was out of work now I work part time at a convenient store until something better comes along...which it hasn't .....sigh....

   Oh my Michele what have the other nerds in the house been doing ?
I am so glad you asked that because it is garden season and our Nerd King and Commander in Chief has been busy with his Nerdoge (like protege but I don't know how to do the things that accent on my keyboard) making a super beautiful garden!  

first to the nerd stuff

the sign is out in the front garden area...we have had people stop and become our new besties just from this sign alone...apparently in Palm Coast we are rare to find...
 I was going to post pics of the veggie gardens and what not but I will leave that to the oldest and her up and coming blog which I will of course talk about here until everyone tires of me and decides to look at it for themselves....shameless promotion will occur.