Friday, August 30, 2013

Super Busy few months or...totally forgot I had a blog until I decided to make a blog

One thing to note is that I am forgetful, I employ many devices, tricks, and even extra people to keep me on the right track..not sure if it is old age or just too much stuff in my matter what it is , the sad fact is that even if I knew what it was I probably have forgotten it.  With all that being said, I sat down the other day and decided it was time to make a blog to find out that I have a blog and I posted in it once and apparently looks like it may be all super cool someday ...well my friends that someday is now!  or kind of now and maybe in the future it will be all epic with recipes and crafts and kid pics and nerd stuff...
so stay tuned...I promise all you frugal, coupon loving, uber nerd moms out there are going to love this blog.